5 thoughts on “The North Avenue Irregulars (1979)

  1. 1979 was a very busy year for Disney. No animated movies. We’d have to wait another 2 years for The Fox and the Hound, but in the live action department they came out with The North Avenue Irregulars, The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again, Unidentified Flying Oddball and The Black Hole. These films are rarely even mentioned anymore, so nice that you highlighted this forgotten little gem.

    1. I didnt realize there were so many that year. I guess 2016 isnt first year to have a deluge of live action Disney film. I havent heard of Unidentified Flying Oddball but will look it up. The rest of those are awesome.
      I feel like there are hardly ever live action family comedies like North Avenue Irregulars any more.

  2. I need to see this. Will probably review it in the summer, it looks like my kinda thing.

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